Oil and Clay


Inspired by a town filled with Artists , sculpture , paintings and art galleries, Tony began painting and sculpting during the summer of 1996 after spending some time in Dinard  Brittany, France.
A background in print , a love for stop motion animation and photography all come together in recent works , prompting social commentary and observation of the world around him and those closest to him .

Most painted works are finished in oil on canvas or wood panel. Sculptures are fashioned from wood , paper , clay
or whatever material is flexible enough and available.

For enquiries, purchases or commissions please contact us using the form below.

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  • Bewley Lane, Lacock, Chippenham, UK

August  2024

I am very happy that one of my sculptures has been accepted for inclusion in my local gallery, The Pound. This is a cracking little arts space in Corsham Wiltshire and their  Summer Open Exhibition “ Earthly Beauty “ runs from 8th August until 14th September and is free to all visitors. For more information here is a link to the venue .

I was also pleased to have five of my sculptures included in Collect Arts magazine at the start of this year .
If you would like to have a scroll through I am included along with 8 other artists all producing very interesting work . Link below.

During August  I have mostly been working on heads for outdoor installation. I also took the opportunity to see the Henry Moore Miniatures exhibition at The Holburne in Bath. Awesome as expected.  In my last update I was moaning about the weather being wet and cold. Be careful what you wish for, these last weeks have been so hot it’s been hard to do anything in my studio because the material I like to use doesn’t like the heat . Air con installation I reckon , or I need to work faster. My son and his fiancée  got married in the uk and is continuing the celebrations in sunny France during September so not a lot of painting or sculpting going on this month 😀😀

Here are a couple of pics showing work in progress.
